The Templar is a warrior-mage and is perfect for those that wish to both fight and cast equally well. Though they are slower to progress in both combat ability and spells than their Warrior and Scholar counterparts, the balance of the two is liked by many but too slow to progress for others.
At any rate, Templars make some of the most formidable opponents around, providing you with the unexpected in both their casting and combat ability. Physically, the Templar is equal to the Rogue with fifty (50) maximum Body Points and is only restricted to wearing twenty-five (25) armor points.
Helpful Tips
Templars ultimately become the pinnacle of balance but those who choose to focus on combat abilities first find themselves in the front lines more quickly. What they lack in initial versatility, they make up for in quickly accumulating the more expensive branch of their skills. While initially they may not stand out in direct melee combat, Templars that start with acquiring magic will have a respectable size spell column and diverse options to handle situations on and off the battlefield. WIP
Applying Rules
Calling Damage
Each time the weapon makes contact with the opponent, the Player must call the appropriate damage and the amount and type of damage being done (“3 Normal!” or “10 Magic!”). This allows the opponent to know how much damage was done, and whether or not it affected them (some monsters are immune to normal damage). The standard types of damage are Normal, Blunt, Silver, Gold, Mithril, and Magic.
To calculate how much damage you will call, you must add the weapons base damage (illustrated in the dimension chart below) plus any enhanced strength, proficiencies, or backstab skills you have purchased with your build. For example, if you have purchased “Weapon Proficiency +1” and are using a normal short sword weapon (damage of 2), you will say “3 normal” with every swing.
Building a Spell Column
You’ve chosen your realm, but now you need to buy the skills necessary to be able to cast magic in play.In the rulebook, we mention that “spell slots must be purchased in a pyramidal format” what that means is you must have two more spell slots of the immediate lower level than the level of the spell slot they are purchasing, up to four (four-wide column). Think of building a pyramid with blocks, you must have three blocks on the bottom, then two in the middle, to balance the single block on the top. You can see the typical progression illustrated in the video to the right.