Amongst the oldest of our world’s races, these noble beings have left an indelible mark on history. The Dwarven love of craftsmanship, quality, and ideals certainly belies their fierceness in the arts of war. Both males and females are a stout, bearded folk and are reputedly the finest stone and metal craftsmen on Amroth, with their wares often fetching a much higher price than that of others. Though they are only around four to five feet tall, their stubborn nature make up for any advantage height might award their opponent. Perhaps their legendary stubbornness is also a contributing factor in their noted ability to outdrink most other races. A newly founded relationship between Tyrran Mountain Dwarves and the Dwarves of Amroth over the past several years is bearing fruit as the craftsmen from both cultures continue to trade and share their cultures with each other. The Dwarves of Amorth in their numerous city-states and holds are certainly vastly more numerous than the Mountain Dwarves of the Oasis, but they are nonetheless welcoming and in awe of their newly acquired cousins.


Amrothi Background:
Amrothi Dwarves take pride in their civic duty; the duty to their freehold. These Dwarves hold craftsmanship, quality, and ideals high, but their mountain holds harbor the foundations of philosophy, freedom, and ideals that every Dwarf lives to uphold. Dwarves typically live within the confines of their holds and city-states, but can be found all across Amroth
Tyrran Background:
Amongst the oldest of our Tyrra's ancestries, these noble beings have left an indelible mark on history. Ancient and stubborn, Tyrran Dwarves stand four feet tall with hearts as vast as mountains. Axe and chisel in hand, they forge legends in stone and song, their wares priceless, their ballads thunderous. Though Aragon, their Oasis home, bears scars of war, it also echoes with rebuilding and revelry, for their fiery spirit outlasts foes and outdrinks kegs. Truce with Orcs may be uneasy, but the Tyrran spirit remains unquenched.
Costuming & Makeup
Dwarves are partial to metal adornments either as jewelry or armor, especially items they or their kinsmen have crafted. They wear a wide variety of armor, but are famous for their use of bronze and volcanic bronze when crafting weapons and armor.
Dwarven character of any gender must wear a full beard of at least six inches.*
*If you already have a beard, you must still wear a costume beard of at least six inches over the top of it.
+5 to Maximum Body Points
May purchase One-Handed Blunt at half build cost, rounded up.
May purchases the Resist Disease skill (2 build)
Half Cost for Smithing Masteries and Artificing Masteries
Read Magic skill costs double build cost.
Aragon is one of the larger towns in the Oasis and contains a rare material the Dwarves prize; mithril. After the arrival of the Oasis in Amroth it was soon discovered that Mithril was not a naturally occurring ore. Aragon and the surrounding area is the only known location in the entire world of Amroth where mithril can be mined. As such, the Mountain Dwarf settlers of the Oasis have continued to maintain control of the mithril mines and Aragon as a whole.
Seahold is a colonial hold on the shore of the Amrothi continent. Most of its trade goods are sent back to the Dwarven homeland. The leadership of Seahold maintains friendly relations with nearly all civilized groups on continental Amroth. Deep fissures within Seahold allow for the smelting of volcanic bronze, a highly valued resource for Dwarven craftsmen. Trading of volcanic bronze to non-Dwarven societies is rare, but not forbidden.
Legends & Folklore
The Motherlode:
The Motherlode, which is a principal or primary vein of ore in a mine, is not just a physical thing; it is a philosophy for Mountain Dwarves. It could be considered a symbol of perfection for Dwarven craftsmen. Trying over and over again to discover the most wealth and create the best sword or suit of armor is a goal for Dwarves that may never actually occur in their lifetimes. Nevertheless, the endless search for the motherlode is a flame in the hearts of Dwarven culture. Whether that flame takes the form of ore, armor, love, song, or swing of an axe is up to each Dwarf to decide.
Order of the Elder Hammer:
This Knightly order upholds the ideals of Dwarven civilization. Dwarven Knights of this order can be found in nearly every city-state and hold. Currently, the headquarters of the Elder Hammer is located in Seahold. Legend has it that the Elder Hammer was founded after the first battle was fought against the Ogre Empire centuries ago. Sir August Stormforge was believed to be the founder of the order after defending the front gates of an ancient hold called Thorurion
Amrothi Background:
Amrothi Dwarves tend to live in freeholds, city-states ruled by elected kings. Each freehold thrives independently, though during times of war, all city-states engage in joint military maneuvers. Certain locations, like the Academy, are held in common trust by all. Notably, Dwarven society fosters complete equality between men and women. Extended families, known as Clans, bind together tightly, living and raising children as a unified unit. Every adult takes turns supervising and teaching the children, with Clan property held communally. While senior members often guide decisions, the Amrothi believe every voice deserves to be heard. In family matters, all adults are encouraged to speak their minds, and decisions are typically made through majority vote. Even older children attend Clan meetings, allowed to ask questions and offer input before votes. This practice serves as valuable training for their future roles in societal decision-making. Most city-states operate democratically, led by either an elected king or a ruling triad. Additionally, an elected assembly of peers assists the rulers, acting as jurors in trials, overseeing public works, and informing their constituents about major laws and decisions requiring a vote.
Tyrran Background:
Dwarves of Tyrra possess an innate, stout resilience, granting them exceptional resistance to injury and disease. Though their stature limits their use of larger two-handed weapons, they exhibit a unique affinity for crossbows and single-handed blunt instruments like the hammers they wield in their forges. While generally wary of the Arcane arts, few choose to defy their nature and embrace Celestial magic. Instead, many master the renowned craft of Armorsmithing, a skill deeply woven into their cultural identity. The stubbornness of Mountain Dwarves is as legendary as their love of drink, which can occasionally transform their unwavering nature into an unstoppable force best avoided. Most impressive, however, is their astonishing ability to craft marvelous creations from the world's natural resources. Although they readily trade their exquisite wares, the act of crafting itself brings countless Mountain Dwarves immense joy.
Daily Life
Dwarves are known as famous craftsman throughout Amroth. Craftsman of many varieties can be seen populating markets in various holds and city-states alike. Amrothi dwarven citizens have the right to send their children to the Academy, a state-run education center jointly funded and run by all city-states. Students are taught basic skills, reading, writing, limited history, armorsmithing, military skills, public speaking, and social graces (etiquette and diplomacy enough to get along in Dwarven society). Citizens have a right to take advanced study at the Academy. All city-states have a branch of the Academy for young students to learn basic skills. The constant threat of the Ogre Empire intrusion affects the daily lives of nearly all Armothi Dwarves. The looming threat seems to have no end in sight. As such, military service is highly encouraged, if not compulsory in certain holds, in Amrothi Dwarf culture. Military veterans are held in high regard and almost always guaranteed a pathway to leadership roles within freehold politics. The miners of Aragon and the craftsmen of Docksides and Solace are often Dwarves who find trade to be lucrative across the Oasis. It is also not uncommon for a Dwarf to take up arms as a soldier or mercenary when required. In the evenings it is common to find Mountains Dwarves drinking their fill in taverns and communal meeting places while telling stories and getting into friendly arguments with one another.