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Elves are an ancient and timeless race existing both on Tyrra and Amroth alike. While typically frailer than humans, elves are known for their grace and naturally long lives, the latter of which giving ample time for them to hone their skills in magic and combat. There are several different types of elves that may be found in and around the Oasis, including the Elves, Grey Elves, Primal Elves, Sampan Elves, and Stone Elves which you can learn more about below.




Amrothi Background: 

Amrothi Elves bask in lifetimes measured in centuries. This ancient perspective imbues them with a serene patience and a deep understanding of nature's cyclical whispers. They can be found throughout Amroth, almost as commonly as Humans. 

Tyrran Background: 

Like their Amrothi kindred, elves excel wherever their attention is turned. Naturally long lives (known to be as long as 1000 years) cause most elves to be patient and tranquil, but they are every bit as prone to the eccentricities of other ancestries. Pride is considered to be the greatest fault of the “High Elf”, and is often the cause of most of their problems. Their settlement in the Oasis from the great forests of Tyrra has been successful, but their arrogance has made it difficult to befriend some of the ancestries and cultures of Amroth.

Costuming & Makeup

Clothing varies based on location. Seafaring Sampan tend to wear layers of tied garments such as tunics worn over trousers or skirts that reflect their lifestyle.


• Pointed “elf” ears

  • May purchase Resist Sleep (3 Build)

  • May purchase Resist Charm (2 Build)

  • +2 damage with Bows (increasing base damage to “8 Normal”)


 • -5 body to their maximum total 

• May not purchase the Two-Handed Blunt or Two-Handed Sword skills

Grey Elf

Grey Elves excel at one thing: Celestial magic in all its forms. From their bastions of learning in Hiigara to their magnificent airships, Grey Elves have sought to master all forms of Celestial magic. They have taken study and knowledge to a new extreme, often seeing other ancestries as ignorant children. As a ancestry of Elves originally from Tyrra, the Grey Elves find kinship with the people of the Oasis more than most others.

Costuming & Makeup

There are no costuming requirements for Grey Elves.


  • Pointed “elf” ears

  • Band of medium grey makeup that extends from ear tip to ear tip across the front of their face and over the eyes.

  • May purchase Resist Mind-Affecting (5 build), every 5 levels

  • May purchase Resist Sleep (3 Build)

  • May purchase Resist Charm at (2 Build)

  • May not purchase 2-Handed Edged or Blunt

  •  -5 to Max Body

  • May not specialize Earth

Primal Elf

This ancestry is the most ‘in tune’ with Nature of all the known Elves. It seems that their seclusion to their own families or tribes throughout Amroth is intentional, and they shun all things “civilized”. Masters of their own style of art, and consummate foresters, the Primal Elf is a deceptively cunning ancestry. These noble people can be found in almost all parts of Amroth.

Costuming & Makeup

Clothing varies based on location and need but many dress in natural colors and materials, furs, and hides.


  •  Pointed “elf” ears 

  • Distinctive facial markings in naturally found colors. *(Lines/patterns/geometric shapes. Cannot look like an attunement.) Markings are commonly representations of their family or tribe or an aspect of the Prime that is revered. * Unlike their Elvish kin, these markings are painted on and are not part of their racial markings. 

*Players should endeavor to create unique facial markings that have no relation to any culture or community in the real world that utilizes face paint, scarification, or other forms of expression. 

  • May purchase Resist Sleep (3 Build).  

  • May purchase Resist Charm at (2 Build).

  • May have Animal Empathy and Speak with Animals ability. (Free)  

  • +2 damage with a Bow

  • May not have a necromantic attunement.  

  • May never specialize Necromancer, cast Necromancy  

  • May not purchase 2H Edged or Blunt.  

  • -5 to Max Body.


No one knows the winds of the  seas and the routes of the oceans like the Sampan of Amroth –  elves who live their entire lives aboard great ships in even greater fleets that rarely make a port of call. These elves follow the winds of Fate, wherever they may blow, and trade with everyone they come across. They absorb great knowledge, and live by strict codes of etiquette.

Costuming & Makeup

Clothing varies based on location. Seafaring Sampan tend to wear layers of tied garments such as tunics worn over trousers or skirts that reflect their lifestyle.


  • Pointed “elf” ears

  • May purchase Resist Sleep (3 Build).

  • May purchase Resist Charm (2 Build).

  • -1 cost to seamanship.

  •  -5 body to their maximum total

  • May not purchase the Two-Handed Blunt or Two-Handed Sword skills

Stone Elf

One of the strangest of the Elven ancestries, the Stone Elf is a mystery indeed. Seemingly devoid of all emotion, who can say what drives this elf? Even among the other Elven peoples from their old home on Tyrra, not much is known about them. More perplexing than their history is the unique appearance of the Stone Elf. In eras past, outsiders often mistook the rare Stone Elf as a living statue, thanks to their marble-like skin. Magic is thought to be the reason for the radical difference between Stone Elves and other Elven ancestries. Like most of their Elven cousins, Stone Elves are typically smaller and more frail than the average human. Their life spans are typical for most other Elven ancestries, with elders living upwards of about 1000 years. Because of this, Stone Elves usually approach issues from a practical, long-term perspective.

Costuming & Makeup

Stone Elf costuming can generally be described as ‘practical’. Simple patterns with muted colors like earth tones are very common, but not required.


• Pointed “elf” ears

• Stone Elves appear to have skin made of marble. Therefore, the Player must wear white make-up with obvious black lines to denote ‘cracks’ on all exposed skin. Grey accents can be added to give a more marble-like appearance

  • May purchase Resist Sleep  (3 Build).

  • May purchase Resist Charm at (2 Build).   

  • +2 damage with a Bow  

  • May purchase Resist Emotion (4 Build).   

  • May have Soothe Mental Anguish ability.* (Free)  

  • Get one free basic/common lore (Knowledge/Combat) at character creation.   

  • Get one free Trade (RP) Skill at character creation.

*Soothe Mental Anguish is role-playing skill and cannot be used to remove any status effect (caused by magic, alchemy, poison, etc). As a roleplay skill, it is also up to the recipient whether or not the skill will work.

  • May not purchase 2H Edged or Blunt.   

  • -5 to Max Body.  

  • Cannot knowingly tell a lie.



College of Magic (Grey Elf)

The College of Magic is the premium institute of higher learning focused solely on Celestial magic in all its varied complexities. Beyond the battle magic, each potential Celestial Mastery has its own department of study and research. As the cornerstone of their society, it is understood that those who prove themselves the most elite within their field at the College more often than not find a place within the ruling Council.

Primal Cairn (Primal Elf)

There are circles of stone, called Primal Cairns, scattered throughout Amroth that are so old that even the Primal Elves are unsure of their original construction and purpose. Today, the stone circles are mainly used by the Primal Elves for feasts, rituals, and meeting points claiming that this sacred area harnesses the energy and magics of those that preceded them.

Hinansho (Sampan Elf)

Risen from the ocean floor, the Sampan homeland now sits as the crowning jewel of its people.  The Fleets have gathered at its natural harbors in order to reconstitute it as the hub of Sampan civilization and culture.  The Palace of the Dragon Prince adorns the peak of the island, so that the Dragon Prince may gaze upon his people as they go about their daily lives.

The Mountain Sanctum (Stone Elf)

There is rumored to be a sanctuary somewhere high in the mountains of Amroth where a Stone Elf can journey to, a place of reflection and introspection. It is said that Stone Elves make the trip in order to further hone their emotional control, seeing the difficult trek itself as a form of mental exercise. Once there they can meet with others of their race, sharing stories from the communities they belong to, tales of their peoples’ history, and join in organized meditation. Its location, and even its very existence, would be a closely guarded secret not divulged to outsiders.

The Elven Council ( Elf)

It is rumored that somewhere in the deep forests of the Oasis the High Elves have chosen to create a place under the night sky to come together as one culture in order to celebrate what it means to be an Elf and to praise the accomplishment of their people. Elders are said to lead this gathering, bestow favors, and engage in political discourse with other Elven groups and families.


Legends & Folklore

Mage Kings (Grey Elves):

A historic example of the wonder and danger of Grey Elf innovation is the tale of the Mage Kings. Created to safeguard Hiigara, they took their guardianship to extreme measures when faced with a Void-centric danger. As a protective measure, they trapped the entire city in a form of magical stasis. Shadowmoorians were able to free the city which was established in the Ice Mountains on Tyrra upon its release from stasis.  Unfortunately, the foundation was not strong enough to withstand the ritual of Arinth that ripped the Oasis away from Tyrra, so now the Grey Elves find their home transposed again into an island off the coast of the Oasis.

Ghost Ship (Primal Elves):

The ocean is viewed as a powerful force of nature that is to be respected but also feared. It is seen as a provider for the Prime through food, life, and power; but, in exchange for all that it provides the sea demands a payment, even if that payment is large, valuable, or painful.

It is whispered over campfires that now and then, the Sea will reach out, take what it is owed, and then discover that some things are just too hard to hold on to. One such case of this is known as the Ghost Ship. This ship is said to appear on the shoreline within a blink of an eye and disappear just as quickly. Aboard are the Sea’s prisoners or those that, for whatever reasons, the Sea was unable to claim. It has instead trapped for eternity unable to complete the natural cycle of their lives.

Some see this as a scary story created to keep the young away from the dangers the ocean creates in its unpredictability. Others, however, see this as a warning from the Prime itself. If they spend too much time by the Sea, then they could be the next prisoner of the Ghost Ship. As such, Primal Elves are not commonly found near salt water.

Primal Offering (Primal Elves):

In times of strife, it is not uncommon for Primal Elves to believe that for all the Prime offers it  requires offerings of sacrifice for stability and balance. Types of offerings vary by family or tribe tradition, but rumor has it that Primal Elves sometimes sacrifice members of their own people and other races to appease the Prime.

Inugami (Sampan Elves):

In recent history, the Dragon Prince sacrificed his mortal form for the honor of his people (some say his very son) and, in doing so, sent a blessing to nearly all the Sampan.  A small few, for whatever reason, did not receive this blessing. Instead, these few experience deep sadness, anger, and even violent outbursts. As a result, they became known as Inugami, or Ghost Hounds. Many have started to band together in packs, as they feel separate from the rest of Sampan society.

Tengu (Sampan Elves):

All Sampan children hear the legends of the black-winged Tengu: shapeshifting humanoid bird-creatures who haunt the shadows just out of sight. It is said the Tengu harbor a blood hatred of all Sampan due to some ancient slight, and any Sampan who is unfortunate enough to meet a Tengu who drops the shapeshifted mask and shows their true face is sure to meet a swift death. Perhaps the Sampan tendency to live and work so close to each other at all times, and to observe such careful rites of strict civility and custom, is out of a fear of being infiltrated by a Tengu. Otherwise, who knows what threat might begin to masquerade behind the stolen face of a trusted friend or family member?

Emotionless (Stone Elves):

There is no shortage of debate among outsiders over why Stone Elves show no emotion, and even Stone Elves themselves might offer differing answers as to the origins of their people’s emotionless way of life. Was there some historical event that led to a collective abandonment of emotional responses? A magical intervention by some unknown entity? An ancient curse still following the Stone Elves to this day? Stone Elf philosophers have been known to discuss the issue at length, though elder Loremasters remain curiously quiet about it.

The Elven Nation Reborn (Elves):

Elves sometimes speak of a time of leadership in the world as was spoken of millenia ago by the Elves of old. Some elders among the Elves of the Oasis wish to spread their influence and the prosperity of their people across Amroth to create a new Elven nation. Younger  Elves have a variety of opinions about the dreams of their elders.



Even though it is assumed that all elves share a common ancestor, time has allowed for the development of distinct cultures and ways of life.


Elves are a cultured society made famous from wine and food tailored to their sensitive, cultivated palates. They enjoy many of the finer things in life and are excellent merchants and traders.

They have a fondness for lush forests, and are known to dress in woodland colors. Organic patterns are prevalent, such as brocades or flowered embroidery. Trees and streams appear often in elf heraldry and imagery, as well.  They have strong family ties with large extended families serving as support structures, social groups, and bases of political power.  Elves can be found among their kin, cousins, and scattered among the population of the Oasis and Amroth almost as often as Humans.

Grey Elves

Within the city of Hiigara the Grey Elves study the ways of Celestial magic and fiercely guard their most prized technological advance: the creation of airships. The Grey Elf Council is the ruling body of Hiigara. Only the most intelligent and brilliant minds have a chance of earning a seat on the Council. This is an achievement often won by distinguishing oneself among the many leaders of their fields who research and instruct within the renowned College of Magic.

Primal Elves

Primal Elves are extremely connected to the natural world. They are most commonly found residing with their families or in various sized bands made up of several families. Some Primal Elf groups are nomadic while others claim a particular territory they feel connected with in a deep emotional way. Kinship with the Prime is centered around nearly every cultural activity. Each family, tribe, and band all have slightly different culturally based rituals they perform during important days and celebratory gatherings.

Sampan Elves

Sampan city fleets are ruled by a governor and council of ship captains. On each ship, the individual captain’s word is law, vital when a wrong action may cost lives and even the entire ship. Sampan do not have formalized laws. Those that do not fit into their ordered society are encouraged to leave, and anyone who disrupts the peace of the ship is generally shunned by their fellows. They are not given or allowed to help in daily tasks, they are not talked to, and are not offered food from the communal cooking pot. In the eyes of their shipmates, they are ghosts.

Stone Elves

Stone Elves are a fairly uncommon sight around the Oasis, but most major cities count at least some amongst their populations. Their lack of emotion lends itself to a reason-based mindset that lets them approach any issue from a purely logical vantage point. As such, they tend to be a blunt and pragmatic people. This is often met with mixed reactions by other ancestries, with common descriptions of Stone Elves including cold, practical, enigmatic, judgmental, and apathetic. A Stone Elf’s view of other ‘emotional ancestries’ can be just as varied. There is no known record of a Stone Elf ever telling a lie. Some outsiders see this as a reason to trust a Stone Elf implicitly as they might a Knight, while others may see them as master manipulators, carefully crafting lines of truth to keep their true intentions hidden.

Daily Life

Daily Life

Grey Elves

Whether an individual’s chosen profession is crewing one of the unique airships, crafting fine items, or delving into the secrets of the Celestial arts, there is a universal drive for perfection that permeates the Grey Elf society. Perhaps there is a level of bias involved but generally, members of other races and societies are not apt to live up to these standards. Resultantly, there are few visitors found on their floating island but a great deal of competition and long standing rivalries.

Primal Elves

Primal Elves are every bit as capable as their other Elvish cousins in terms of magical ability, martial skill, and especially craftsmanship. Hunting and gathering is a common feature of their daily life as well as all of the crafts that surround this important activity.

Sampan Elves

The Sampan are a people apart, living their whole lives shipboard. Each city fleet is composed of several sampans - huge ships designed to hold over 300 souls - numerous guild ships, and a multitude of clan ships, from which the race takes its name. In all, a Sampan fleet generally has at least a thousand inhabitants. While they occasionally make use of underwater breathing devices, do not display any special ability with water and will drown as quickly as any other elf. It is unknown why they originally chose to live entirely shipboard, but a few have willingly left their seafaring lifestyle.

Sampan are considered to be extremely polite, formal in manner, quiet, and even-tempered. There are no reports from visiting outsiders of a Sampan argument or battle of any sort. It is considered to be better to kill a man than to be rude to him. In a culture that lives crammed into ships with little personal space or privacy, attention to politeness is important. Sampans tend to be even more formally polite to people they dislike.

Stone Elves

Stone Elves devote themselves to their craft or career, often defining themselves by the nature of their profession. Because of this, they are typically specialists among the communities they are a part of. They see their level of dedication as working for the greater good of the whole community. They tend to dwell in comfortable, well-organized houses, albeit with little decoration or ornamentation. The home is a functional building and not to be cluttered with extravagance.


Elves are a long-lived race of individuals that tend to take the long view on life. They are a fair race often considered to be arrogant and pretentious. They are known for their love of lush forests and fine art. The word most people associate with elves, with good or bad connotations, is noble. They tend to seem condescending to shorter-lived races, but elves view this relationship simply as a parent teaching a child. Few elves treat shorter-lived races with any meaningful amount of respect long-term.



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