The Fae are a peculiar, magical, and truly unpredictable collection of races. The majority of Fae share a spark of wonder, innocence, and magic. However, the way they think, look, and act are all quite unique. After all, a complex history and personality would be expected to follow any race that, on average, lives for thousands of years, if not longer. All Fae hail from the mystical land of Eirinn. This land is ruled by Finvarra, King of the Summer Court, Summerset, Queen of the Wintercourt, and Lord Orion, Lord of the Wild Hunt and Wild Fae. However, many Fae from every faction have begun to call the Oasis their home.

Bright Faerie
What they lack in size the Faeries often make up for in mischief and curiosity. Is their mischief inherent or is it a result of boredom? Maybe both? Faeries may take many physical forms while in Eirinn, however when a Faerie occupies Amroth, their Appearance is much the same as the players (not miniature).
Costuming & Makeup
There are no costuming requirements for Faeries but many have used leaves, moss, flowers, glitter, and sheer fabrics to help capture the feel of a Faerie.
Exposed wings at all times
Wear a glow stick or different light source to take advantage of immunity to trap/pin while dark outside*
Pointed “elf” ears
*Please do not opt for a very bright light source as this can cause unsafe environment for other players.
Immune to Charm (spell and poison), Supercharm, and Vampiric Dominate.*
Start w/ Animal Empathy for free.
Purchase Resist Sleep (3 Build).
Immune to Trap (spell still pops shields), while wearing glowstick or diffused light on lower back*
* While they are immune to the spells, all magical spell defenses are still affected by those spells as normal.
Aversion to casting Chaos.
-10 max Body.
May not purchase 2H Edged or 2H Blunt.
May not purchase Polearm.
Metals cause pain - cannot wield metal weapons/armor.
May never specialize Necromancer, cast Necromancy, knowingly consort with Necromancers and/or Undead.

Dark Faerie
Similar to the Unseelie Fae, the black veins of the Dark Faeries are the result of chaos corruption of the “normal” Faeries. They carry the same mischief of their Faerie kin except their mischief tends to be tainted by the malign.
Costuming & Makeup
There are no costuming requirements for Faeries but many have used twisted and dark attire, sometimes decaying or unraveling to help capture the feel.
Black or gray lines on all exposed areas of skin representing veins. (Recommended: waterproof black or dark gray eyeliner)
Darkened brown or gray eyeshadow around the eyes.
Exposed wings at all times
Wear a glow stick or different light source to take advantage of immunity to trap/pin while dark outside*
Pointed “elf” ears
*Please do not opt for a very bright light source as this can cause unsafe environment for other players.
Immune to Charm (spell and poison), Supercharm, and Vampiric Dominate.*
Start w/ Animal Empathy for free.
Purchase Resist Sleep (3 Build).
Immune to Trap, while wearing glowstick or diffused light on lower back.*
Permanently Desecrated. **
* While they are immune to the spells, all magical spell defenses are still affected by those spells as normal.
** Desecration is a condition that some characters are born with or can attain through in-play means that causes certain forces to be reversed when particular spells are cast on them. Please see "Desecration" in the rulebook.
-10 max Body.
May not purchase 2H Edged or Blunt.
May not purchase Polearm.
Metals cause pain - cannot wield metal weapons/armor.
May never specialize Healer, cast Healing.

Often called “Wood Elves”, are the most common type of Fae in the Oasis. Craftsmen and lovers of art, they are as skilled with wit and quill as they are any weapon or magic.
Costuming & Makeup
There are no costuming requirements for Sylvan fae.
Minimum 1.5” horns on the head. May be made from latex, sculpting clay, or wood and must not be sharp enough to cause injury.
May wear pointed “elf” ears.
Purchase Trade (RP) Skills at ½ cost.
+2 damage with a Bow
May purchase Resist Charm/Charm Break.
Start with Woodland Lore for free.
May not purchase 2-Handed Edged or Blunt.
-5 to Max Body.
Will never use any effect that removes free will from a being. (Ex: "Friendship" spell)

The black veins of the Unseelie are the result of the corruption of the essence of chaos lingering from the ancient conflict between the Sylvan Fae and the dreaded Fomori, causing them to be permanently desecrated. Are the Unseelie inherently evil? What is good? There is much debate.
Costuming & Makeup
All costuming should reflect the chaotic and twisted aspects of their nature.
Minimum 1.5” horns on the head. May be made from latex, sculpting clay, or wood and must not be sharp enough to cause injury.
Black or gray lines on all exposed areas of skin representing veins. (Recommended: waterproof black or dark gray eyeliner)
Darkened brown or gray eyeshadow around the eyes.
May wear pointed elf ears.
Permanently Desecrated.*
May purchase Resist Charm (2 Build).
Immune to Truth/Lie.
* Desecration is a condition that some characters are born with or can attain through in-play means that causes certain forces to be reversed when particular spells are cast on them. Please see "Desecration" in the rulebook.
May not purchase 2H Edged or Blunt.
May never specialize Healer, cast Healing.
-5 to Max Body.
2-Handed Mastery only works for Staff and Polearm
Solace Portal:
Located in the farm lands of Solace within the Oasis, a doorway to Eirinn can be found. This portal is used by most of the Fae in order to travel to the Oasis and Amroth. No one is quite sure how or when it was made, but it has allowed for many of the adventurous and curious to explore Amroth.
Legends & Folklore
3’s, 5’s, 7’s:
These numbers are held with great regard assumed to hold the most power. Changelings: It is rumored that some Fae decide to steal the infants of mortals and leave behind a subpar substitute. Why should a Fae steal an infant? Some tell the story as a simple combination of curiosity and boredom while other rumor that some Fae have made a deal with evil forces and need to sacrifice the child. However Fae have heard this legend, it is definitely regarded as just that; a legend. One you tell to small children to make them behave. But is it possible that all legends are based in truth?
Barigains, oaths, and promises:
Promises and oaths are often binding to many of the fae and they will make sure that other races return the favor. Their abilities with words often allows them to snare an unsuspecting bargainers to their advantage. A promise thrice made is as close to absolute truth as a faerie can give. Oaths put mutual obligation on both parties. An example would be an oath of fealty to a ruler of a fairy court puts an obligation on the ruler to carry out the obligations of the one who is sworn to ruler if he is not able to for whatever reason, even death.
Many of the Fae are great craftsman and artists, and with an extremely long lifespan they have plenty of time to perfect their craft. As such, art (in all its forms) is celebrated amongst all of Eirrin. All fae are, by birth, are subjects of the rulers of Winter or Summer Court or subjects to themselves if they were born into Wild Fae. While they most often stay aligned to either court or Wild their whole lives, a select few have been known to change seasons throughout their long life. Some who belong to the courts may find themselves to be more political than others, fighting for the good of their court or simply for titles and good graces from their respective ruler.
The Fae have a very robust history which has shaped the culture of today. Some fae still hold onto grudges and prejudice from wars of the past (for the perception of time runs differently for a Fae and thousands of years ago can seem like months) others simply treat it as a chapter in a book of their long life. Ancient History The Great War The Balor, leader of the dreaded Fomori, had great dark magics and began to march across Eirinn causing the land to die in their footsteps. The Summer Court, Knights and Lords lead by Finvarra himself, stood against the Fomori, as Summer magic is the magic of defence, and their strategy was to slow the Fomori charge and lead them to the ground of Fair Fields. Once there, King Finvarra issued a challenge to the Balor, that they fight as honest warriors, proving the right to lead Eirinn by challenge of arms. The Fomori leader sneered at the challenge, claiming that nothing so insignificant as a Faery should lay claim to honor and nothing so great as a fomori needed anything but power. This began the last battle of the Great War. As the Balor’s forces began to be ground between Summer and Winter, the Balor himself fled, taking his cadre through a rift out of Eirinn.
While the forces of Eirinn celebrated their victory, they also lived with the sure knowledge that they would see their enemies again. The Second Great War When the Fomori next marched on Eirinn, it was perhaps more devastating than the previous attack. While there were less Fomori since the Great War, they had allies called Beastmen, hordes of twisted corrupted creatures filled with the essence of chaos. The Fomori also allied with the Master the dark arts of Necromancy, the Lich Sakkalid, and bore his legions of undead in their ranks, causing all of the fallen to be animated back into their ranks. This time, rather than allow the enemy to escape and attack another day, General Puck of the Winter Court demanded that the Fae be allowed to hunt down the Fomori and destroy them, root and branch. Wiser, cooler heads prevailed and convinced the High King that it was not Summer’s place to attack, as their strength was in defense and if Winter would stand with them, Eirinn was secure. General Puck, filled with battle rage, and the cold, implacable anger of Winter failed to heed this argument and lead all the Faeries that would follow through the rift created by the Fomori. When the rift was sealed behind the Fae Warriors, all Eirinn mourned their loss.
Recent Years (615-620) The Fae have just concluded a four year war between the Summer and Winter Courts. The former Summer King, Finvarra, was seduced by the corrupting force of Nether which began to corrupt Eirrin and some of the Fae within. The extremely independent and passionate Summer Court were defensive and wanted to keep Summer matters within Summer. Winter Court, however, wanted to invade and dethrone Finvarra themselves leading to a war that lasted four years. When Finvarra left Eirrin for the Prime, some heroes of Shadowmoor were able to trap him and bring him back to Eirrin where the Lord Gwyddion, King Regent of Winter, banished him resulting in the banishment of Lord Gwyddion as well, as all things have balance in Eirrin. This led to the recent coronation of Queen Summerset of the Winter Court and King Llyr of the Summer Court.
Daily Life
Court Life
The Fae are grouped into two great political entities: The Fae Courts; Summer and Winter. Both courts have their own territories and land within Eirinn. Those who choose to not belong to either court are known the Wild Fae.
Summer Court -
Ruled by King Llyr and until recently, King Finvarra. The Summerlands are filled with vast green meadows, thriving greenwood forests, and picturesque rolling hills. Most of Finvarra’s nobles have small keeps in the countryside that support small thriving communities. The Summer Palace sits in the heart of the Summerlands. The fanciful confection of a castle towers over the town it defends. Leading Lords and Ladies of Summer Court are: Duke Sterling and Field Marshal Lavender Summer’s Nature: Growth, passion, heat, reckless, aggressive, resilience and defense against the middle of the sun where there is no shade, no water.
Winter Court-
Ruled by Queen Summerset, The Winterlands are filled with dark forbidding forests, dismal swamp lands, and barren moors which surround the Winter Palace in the center. While most lands seem deserted, travellers often have strong feelings of being watched. The current leading Lords and Ladies of the court are Kindness, Prudence, and Patience. It should be noted that the Lords and Ladies of the Winter Court are titled in opposition to their strongest quality, as viewed by their peers. When one is interacting with members of the Winter Court, it is important to remember that one should not EVER assume that the title indicates that the possessor holds that quality to be important in his or her dealings Winter’s Nature: beautiful violence, stark clarity, the most feral needs and animal desires and killer instinct pitted against the season of cold and death—the will and desire to fight, to live, to protect each other.
The Wild Fae are not ruled by anyone, however Orion, Lord of the Hunt, often represents their needs and wills as a collective. They exist in the lands between Summer and Winter and, mostly, stay out of court politics. Wild Nature: Free, unhindered, impulsive, independent, self-serving, bohemian. Some cling together to survive without the protection of a court and others choose to live as hermits away from the drama the courts tend to bring. Book of Seasons The Summer Court holds power from Midsummer to Midwinter. The Winter Court holds sway from Midwinter to Midsummer. At each changing, the Book of Seasons is passed between the hands of the ruler for the season or their proxy, and thus is the power to rule transferred